Answers to frequently raised questions

1. Does the existence of the Universe confirm the existence of God?

The Bible: says that God created the Heavens and the Earth
The Atheist: says that the Universe came into being as a result of “The Big Bang” and was created from nothing.
The Truth: Nobody knows if the Big Bang actually occurred, and, even if it did, whether God caused it. However, Scientists say that Matter, Gravity and Space must all have been in place before the Big Bang occurred. They must have been created because it would have been impossible for the Big Bang to have happened out of “nothingness”.  Therefore, a Creator must exist.
2. Did God create Life?
The Bible:  says that God created Life.
The Atheist: says that Life began by chance, although they don’t know how it occurred.
The Truth:  No Human being has ever created life and never will. Life is the preserve of God.

3. Did God make a mistake when he created Human Beings?

The Bible: says that we were “fearfully and wonderfully” made by our Creator God
The Atheist: says that God could not have created Human Beings because we possess Vestigial Organs, such as our appendix, that have no obvious purpose.                                                           The Truth: is that over the last few years Medical Science has established that most Vestigial Organs do have a purpose. For example, we know now that our Appendix contains a high concentration of lymphoid follicles which play a specialised part in the body’s immune system.

4. Is there life elsewhere in the universe?

The Bible: says that the Earth was created for the benefit of mankind, and implies that life does not exist elsewhere in the universe.
The Atheist: says that life must exist elsewhere in the Universe.
The Truth: There is no evidence of life elsewhere in the Universe, and that the Earth was uniquely designed, by God, for mankind, given that the Earth is exactly the right size, the right distance from the Sun, and is tilted at a 23.5 degree angle, enabling us to experience the 4 seasons of the year.

5. What is the purpose of our existence?

The Bible explains that we exist on Planet Earth because God created us to live in this life-sustaining environment for His own purposes. Ultimately God wants to share His eternal status with those of us who choose to believe in His existence and accept the Gospel of His son, Jesus Christ.

6. Who created God?

This question is easy to answer, but is impossible to understand.  Nobody created God because He is Eternal. That means that He has always existed and will always exist. But the Human brain does not have the capacity to comprehend eternity.

7. Is the Bible really God’s message to mankind

The Divine inspiration of the Bible is proved through the auspices of Archaeology, History, Scientific Discovery and fulfilled prophecy.

For example, the Old Testament, completed more than 400 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, contains over 200 prophecies which relate to His birth, ministry, death, burial and resurrection. All of these prophecies were fulfilled in the minutest detail.

One of these prophecies, penned by the Prophet Daniel, 572 years before it occurred, foretells, not only the exact year of the crucifixion, but also the exact month. Daniel wouldn’t have realised the significance of his prophecy, but clearly God did, and their detailed fulfilment proves conclusively that the Bible was inspired by God.

8. Why does God allow Suffering?

Most people who believe in God accept that God would not have created suffering. However, quite reasonably, they ask the question “Why, if God is all powerful, does he allow suffering?

The Bible tells us that when God created men and women He gave them Authority and Dominion over the Earth and the whole of His creation. But God also gave them “free will”. They chose to use their free will to rebel against their Creator and transfer their Authority to God’s adversary Satan. At this point sin entered the world and as a result of sin came suffering. The fact that men and women had transferred their birth right to Satan was confirmed by Jesus Himself. Satan now rules the Earth until Jesus returns.

But isn’t God more powerful than Satan? Couldn’t God re-take control of the Earth from Satan? Yes, he could, God is all powerful, but He is also bound by His own word. He is bound by the decision men and women made when, unwittingly, they transferred their Authority to Satan. So, the suffering we witness every day in our lives and in the lives of others is the consequence of Sin and the work of Satan. But, when Jesus returns to Planet Earth, the influence of Satan will be removed and the Earth will be restored.

9. So, if Jesus is returning to Planet Earth, when will this happen?

The Bible: says that the exact date of Jesus return is known only to God Himself. However, the Bible also tells us to look out for certain “signs” that will herald His coming.

  • The State of Israel would be re-established in Palestine with Jerusalem as it’s Capital.
  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ would be preached throughout the World.
  • There would be an “explosion of knowledge” -and-
  • Travel would be “worldwide”

Most Christians believe that these “signs” have either been fulfilled , or are about to be, and that Jesus return is imminent.

10. What happens when I die?

The Bible tells us that life does not end when we die. and there is overwhelming evidence, outside of the Bible, that death is not the end. It is the end of the beginning.

Human beings have (a) a Body (b) A Soul which comprises our mind, our will and our emotions – In other words our Personality, and (c) Our Spirit which never dies.

The Apostle Paul described his body as a Tent which, one day, would collapse, and out of which his soul and his spirit would leave and pass into eternity. Whether we spend eternity in Heaven will depend on whether, or not, we have entered into a relationship with God on Earth.

11. So, what prevents me having a relationship with God?

The problem is our SIN. God is sinless, and the Bible tells us that God and sin do not mix and unless we are “perfect” it is impossible for us to enter into a relationship with God here, on Earth, or enter Heaven when we die. So, what is the solution to this problem?

Man’s Solution: Here are some of man’s attempts to influence God.

  • Living a Good Life:
  • Attending Church Regularly
  • Getting Christened.

These are all commendable in themselves, but none of them bring us into a relationship with God or deal with the problem of our Sin.

God’s Solution:  Only God provides the solution. He did this by sending His son Jesus to live as a human being and to achieve something we have never managed to do. That is to live a perfect life. God arranged for His son to be crucified for every one of us. God laid upon His son every sin that we have, or will, commit so that, in God’s sight, we are made perfect.

As a result of Jesus death and resurrection, our sin, which was the barrier between us and God, can now be removed to enable us to establish a relationship with God not just now but for eternity. Only those of us who have established a relationship with God will be welcomed into Heaven.

12. So how do I establish a Relationship with God?

Jesus said:  “Repent and Believe the Gospel”   (Mark 1 v 15)

Three things need to happen:

  • You need to believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that He died on the cross and rose from the dead.
  • You need to pray to God and ask him to forgive you for your past.
  • You need to invite Jesus to take control of your life for the future.

Prayer doesn’t need to be formal, and here is a suggested prayer you might wish to use:

“My God and heavenly Father, I believe that Jesus is your Son, and that He died on the cross and rose from the dead, on my behalf. I ask you to forgive me for the sins I have committed in the past and I commit my life to you today and for the future. Amen.”

If you prayed that prayer in sincerity, the Bible states that you are now a Child of God, that you have now begun a relationship with Him, and that your eternal future is assured.

13. Why is Jesus the only way to God?

The Broadcaster Anne Diamond once said: “It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere” Was she right?  Do all Religions lead to God?   No.

Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Me”  (John 14 v 6)

Why is Jesus the only way to God? Because only Jesus has dealt with the fundamental problem of our sin which separates us from God.

14. So, what happens after I have established a relationship with God?

  • Jesus asked us to be Baptised to give witness to our new found faith. Baptism, at the time of Jesus, was always by full immersion for the following reasons:
  • The word baptism means “to immerse”
  • When we are immersed in water, baptism symbolises our whole body being washed clean -and-
  • We identify with Jesus. As we go down into the water, we identify with Jesus going to his death. When we are briefly immersed beneath the water, we identify with His burial, and when we come out of the water, we identify with His resurrection.
  • We need to find a Church where we can fellowship with other Christians and grow in our faith. Preferably, a Church that offers Baptism by Immersion and runs regular groups for Bible Teaching and Discussion.

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or Telephone Phil on +07707597605