Sunday Services

10.30am – 11.30am Morning Worship

This service takes place every Sunday morning and is preceeded by a Prayer Meeting at 10am in the Chapel Lounge. The service begins with Praise and Worship. This is followed by a time of Preaching/ Teaching after which the service concludes with Worship and Ministry.

Our Praise and Worship is led by our Worship Leader supported by Musician (s)

Cup of teaRefreshments are served at the conclusion of the Service, providing an important time of Fellowship.

Following the first part of the Service our children and young people go to their groups (inc: Creche) for teaching and discussion.


3rd December – Adrian Gates
10th -Phil Wyncoll
17th – Open Worship
24th 4pm Candlelight Carol Service Speaker – Adrian Gates
31st – Phil Wyncoll


 Evcening Service Stratford Chapel

Sunday Morning Speakers 2025

5th Adrian Gates
12th Stracey Wyncoll
19th David Proudfoot
26th Adrian Gates

2nd Phil Wyncoll
9th Andy Jelfs
16th Steve Wyncoll
23rd Terry Baker (Felixstowe)

2nd Adrian Gates
9th Andy Jelfs
16th David Proudfoot
23rd Godfrey Miller
30th Joan Sackey

4th Adrian Gates
13th Steve Wyncoll
20th Ted Jack (Easter)
27th Steve West

4th Adrian Gates
11th Phil Wyncoll
18th David Proudfoot
25th Steve Wyncoll

1st Adrian Gates
8th Special Guest weekend
15th Godfrey Miller
22nd Joan Sackey
29th Chris Percival

6th Adrian Gates
13th Steve West
20th David Proudfoot
27th Joan Sackey


3th  Adrian Gates
10th To be decided
17th To be decided
24th To be decided
31st To be decided

7th Adrian Gates
14th Godfrey Miller
21st David Proudfoot
28th Stacey Wyncoll

5th Adrian Gates
12th Andy Jelfs
19th Steve Wyncoll
26th David Proudfoot


2nd Adrian Gates
9th Joan Sackey
16th David Proudfoot
23rd Steve West
30th Chris Percival

7th Adrian Gates
14th Phil Wyncoll
21st Candlelight Carol Service: Adrian Gates
28th Open Worship

6.30pm – 7.30pm Prayer Meeting currently on Zoom

Prayer 8pm – 9 pm each Sunday we provide Bible Teaching and Discussion on Zoom.

At the moment we are studying Paul’s Epistles to the Thessalonians.